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Meet Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway


The Ancient Goddesses in New York exhibit is a labor of love and a graduate school research capstone project for Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway.


She has been studying the Divine Feminine for twenty-seven years and she has written extensively on Goddess history and how to connect to divine wisdom through education, ritual, ceremony, prayer, and creative spiritual practices. Her graduate work for her degree in public history has advanced her work as a specialist in goddess spirituality, history, and cultural heritage.


She is the author of more than 25 books on spirituality, the Divine Feminine, weddings, and relationships.


Her books blend ancient wisdom and history with practical inspiration. They include: A Goddess is a Girl's Best Friend, The Goddess Pages, Goddess Lessons, Lakshmi Magic, Lakshmi Devotional, Alakshmi, Seshat Journal, She Who Scrivens, Wedding Goddess, Soulmate Feng Shui, and Goddess in the Mirror. Her forthcoming public history books include Goddess Seshat, Lakshmi: A Goddess Grows in Queens, Sacred Stewards, Sacred Museums, and, Ancient Goddesses in New York.


As an interfaith minister, she presides over a multicultural wedding ministry based in New York and is widely recognized as an expert on interfaith, intercultural, and highly personalized nondenominational weddings. She is a wedding officiant who has married hundreds of couples and has helped couples and families around the world prepare for interfaith weddings.


As a journalist, she has published thousands of articles. She began her career as an advice columnist and features editor at The Brooklyn Paper. In her colorful media career, she went on to write for and edit newspapers and magazines. In more recent times, she was the emotional health, psychology, and relationship writer for many publications, such as Woman's Day, Country Living, The New York Post, New York Metro Parents, P&G Everday, CafeMom, and HuffPost. She has also served as a senior editor at Beliefnet.com (Inspiration, and Love and Family verticals), EverydayHealth.com (Emotional Health and Sexual Health verticals), DrLauraBerman.com (Relationship and Sexual Health verticals), as well as mental health and well-being writer for Elements Behavioral Health.


She is currently a contributing writer at Spirituality&Health Magazine, both print and online editions.


She studied creative writing at CUNY, where she received her Associate in Arts degree. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Human Development and Psychology from SUNY. She started her graduate studies in Marriage and Family Therapy at Mercy College. She graduated from The New Seminary for Interfaith Studies in 1999 and was ordained as an interfaith minister. In her spiritual education, she earned a Master in Interfaith Studies and a Doctor of Ministry.


She returned to graduate school to complete her Master of Arts in Public History through the SUNY Empires State College Graduate program at age 65.