"It is wonderful to be here in Athens Square Park today, during Greek Independence Week, to unveil this beautiful sculpture of the Goddess Athena - a replica of the "Piraeus Athena" that stands in Athens. And it is a special honor to have the Mayor of Athens, Demetri Avramopoulos, here to join us. His presence, like the sculpture, reminds us of the deep cultural and historical bonds that join New York City and Athens. As I've said, the greatest legacy of great cities is the beauty that they leave the world. And the Goddess Athena represents the essence of Periclean Athens: to improve the City constantly, to always make it greater and more beautiful. That is what we are committed to doing in New York City today, as expressed in the Athenian Oath of Fealty, with which we pledged "to transmit this city not only not less, but far greater and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us."
-From the Mayor's speech, Unveiling the Statue Of The Goddess Athena At Athens Square Park, March 28, 1998