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The Sacred Elements at 195 Broadway


This Greek-influenced building boasts Doric columns and iconic desights akin to the Pantheon and the Temple of Artemis. It also features the four elements personified as two females and two males, and they look like goddesses and gods. 


A Spiritual Prayer to Use to Call in the Great Mother and the Elements

I call to the Great Mother and the Elements of the East. I honor the wind and the ancestors and ask that my dreams, goals, and intellect be blessed. Please inspire creativity.


I call the Great Mother and the Elements from of South. I honor fire and the ancestors and ask for help finding my truest passions. Please give me enthusiasm as I grow.


I call to the Great Mother and the Elements of the West. I honor water and ask to be cleansed and purified for my next steps. Please bless and stabilize my emotions and make me resilient.


I call to the Great Mother and the Elements of the North. I honor Mother Earth and pray to remain grounded with a strong foundation beneath me. Please help me find healing and wholeness in nature.


I call to the Spirits of above, below, and within. I pray for harmony and joy as I commit myself to following the call of my heart and soul and to the fulfillment of my true purpose. And so it is.